
Losing weight is a slow hard process – we all know this by now.

It’s often an emotional and horribly frustrating process – usually at the same time!

So rather than talk about the hard stuff all the time – I thought this week I’d share another article which helped me so much.

If you are anything like me, you like to know the reason things happen. For too long I would try to do it all myself. I used to go to the gym 4 days per week and lift weights, do cardio exercises 2 x week and eat well for a meal or two per day and eat way to much bread, pasta and milk! – and although I was getting stronger, my body shape wasn’t really changing for all this hard work!

I had no idea WHY I was doing it. It really wasn’t working, and I found myself bored and unmotivated.

 I came across an old school photo of myself one day – and I didn’t like what I saw.

All this training, blindly hoping things would change – I needed to find out WHY – it wasn’t working for me!

I got help with my nutrition and my habits (as I was clearly doing enough exercise). The weight soon stated to drop, I was told to exercise LESS and I started to believe in this sustainable approach…

My own results from what I had learnt (what not to do) inspired me to go on and become a nutritionist and transformation coach to help others.

Here is an article I highly recommend you read and follow:

5 Great Strategies To Speed Fat Loss

Enjoy – then take action!


What really is HEALTH and how does it play a part in transformation?

It’s terribly complicated and hard to get a clear understanding with so much social media posts and contradicting messages. As a nutritionist, I’d like to help clear that up for you! Our daily food, drink and habits intake play a huge role in health. By consuming nutrient dense choices consistently your energy, insulin levels, stress, inflammation, function and recovery (from sickness and exercise) all benefit. If the mind and body are not typically balanced the metabolic rate will be dramatically effect sleep patterns, chronic stress, fat loss and performance (mind and body). The easiest rule to follow is eat more colour ‘from the garden’(one better grow your own), consume more Omega 3 fats, (flax oil/meal, linseeds, oily fish) and eat quality proteins like fish, chicken and legumes with each meal (these keep your fuller and maintain/build muscle tissue).

Nutrient dense food has a dramatic impact on your health and body composition

Exercising your mind is essential to great long term health, yes physical exercise is vital but so too is sleep and relaxing your mind through meditation, breathing techniques and low intensity movement – like walking on the beach or bushland, quite relaxation (from daily pressure), yoga, sun baking and stretching.

Ultimately if you make the time to reset, rebuild and restore your health and wellness, the mind is fresh and alert, your body feels lighter and flows and your mind and body are connected which help tremendously with lifestyle change, improved immune and a lot healthier vehicle to drive through life.

When was the last time you took 10 mins out of your day to close your eyes and just breathe?

How many times were you sick last year?

Are you bloated?

Do you hit a mid-afternoon slump often?

Have you got a set exercise routine which is structured?

How many cups of vegetables do you eat daily?

Go back now and take 5 mins to write down the answers, by doing this you are in the small amount of people who take action and are willing to make change.

It takes courage, focus and definitely discipline to improve areas of your health – but sadly many will just skim over it and do random dead end fixes.

Less is more, make one small improvement and do it daily and you are rolling in positive motion.

Yours in health,
