Archives: Testimonials

When I started with Personal Challenge Fitness in April 2012, I had hit the 100kg mark and was feeling pretty miserable  I decided this was the point where I really needed to do something for my sake and for and my family. I’m the father of 4 young kids and wanted better quality time with them and my wife.  A relative was doing boot camp with PCF and recommended I come along (one evening during a boozy home cooked thai meal at my place).  A few wines in, and I agreed to give it a go. Next morning he arrived to pick me up, and I went off feeling less than 100% from the nights before excesses.

That 1st session was one of the toughest things I had ever done! I was hung over, my body screamed, but I got through it. I figured that’s as hard as it will be, and I made it. I decided to return the following week, thinking about how I would be able to run, jump, and wrestle with my active kids.

16 months on I have just completed my first 10km fun run, and am so proud to have done it in just over an hour!  Not bad for a first go!  This was a far cry from my previous smoking, drinking and poor food choices lifestyle.  So far I lost over 15kg and 2 clothes sizes (shirts down from XXL to L, and pants from 102 down to 92). I feel happier and more confident than I have in a long time.

At Personal Challenge fitness I have not only improved myself, but I have met some of the best people you could meet and made some great new friends. Everyone is supportive, encouraging and inspiring. They all welcome you into their boot camp family, and I have never felt like an outsider.

Matt constantly varies our training and does the occasional “mystery location” session to keep things interesting. He is friendly, supportive and encouraging (without any yelling), and he is genuinely interested in your results and helping you to achieve your fitness goals. Matt has become both a friend and a trainer.

I still have many goals to achieve, but my health (both mental and physical), my fitness, and my attitude towards life in general has changed forever, for the better. I look forward to continuing with Matt and Personal Challenge Fitness.

Six months ago I decided to change my quality of life and increase my activity and consistency with PCF Bootcamps. Matt continues to monitor each person’s progress, although in a group – but still very personal focus. Everybody exercises to the best of their ability and with Matt’s (persistent!) encouragement; each week shows an improvement in fitness, strength and NO MORE KNEE PAIN.

I haven’t felt this good for many years and I would like to sincerely thank Matt for his help and encouragement. I would highly recommend Personal Challenge Fitness to anyone wanting to improve their quality of life. It’s never too late!

Mac Hook, 60 – Optometrist – Wynnum West

Annette and I have been training in a pair’s session with Matt for just on a year now.  We find that training as a pair is really beneficial as we can encourage and almost compete against each other to complete whatever training Matt provides to us.

Matt is a great trainer, he is so patient with us and is always encouraging us with each exercise.  He makes us strive to be better with each exercise and to give it our best even when we are ready to just about kill him and or just give up!

His nutrition advice is great and we have picked up good eating tips from him – we just need to follow through with them a little better.  He lets us know what we are doing wrong and how to correct our bad eating habits. Noticeable changes in body shape and reduced fat, higher energy levels, knees are so much stronger and no aches and pains, reduced blood pressure and big increase in overall fitness, strength and we both have firmer bodies.

We can really recommend training with Matt and training in pairs is a great way to really push yourself and achieve the results you want.

Annette Smith and Debby Laing

I have been training with PCF since January this year and have lost over 12 kg and feel a lot healthier, fitter and toned! I really enjoy my training sessions as they are always varied and he is constantly mixing things up making no two sessions the same. He encourages you to do the best you can but at the same time challenging yourself. We do group training at Habitat Park with a great group of girls and definitely have fun while exercising! Matt helps us motivate each other. Training with Matt has really improved my core strength and fitness allowing me to be able to run on days in between training. I would whole heartedly recommend Personal Challenge Fitness to anyone!

Maria Brown, Mother of 3, Wakerley

Before I started training with Matt I was always starting and stopping new fitness regimes …whether it be joining a gym and never going or starting a running group and stopping after a few weeks. Nothing has ever kept me motivated until I started training with Personal Challenge Fitness.

I am part of a private training group which my friends and I started together 4 months ago. The atmosphere is relaxed and so much fun that we are constantly laughing but at the same time, Matt pushes us to be the best we can be 100% of the time.

I have already noticed changes not only in my weight but in the tone of my muscles and most importantly, my energy levels. I sleep better now because I push myself at training. It also encourages me to eat better as I want to maximize the benefits. Plus chocolate is never as tasty when in the back of your mind you remember just how many squat jumps you need to burn off one piece!

My wedding is in December this year and I’m well on my way to looking and feeling the way I know I want and should be.

Thanks heaps, Matt!

Anna Bolitho, Bride to be


I have been attending group fitness training with Matt at Personal Challenge Fitness for the past 6 months.  In that time I have experienced fantastic weight loss and have developed a higher level of fitness.

Prior to joining personal training I led a sedentary lifestyle with minimal fitness. To date I have lost 12 kilos, 3 belt sizes and I’m competing in the Gold Coast half marathon.

I have found Matt to be an incredible motivator and he has supported me to achieve my goals.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my training and look forward to continuing and seeing even more results.

Joining Matt has been a life changing experience and I would highly recommend Personal Challenge Fitness to anyone considering an active lifestyle.

Jason Alexander, Wakerley

It started out with a catch up with a girlfriend whilst eating cake and coffee.  By the end of it, we realised that it would be the last piece of pecan pie for awhile.  I was struggling to keep the weight off and I didn’t want to go up another size.  Something needed to be done!  That’s when Matt came into the picture 18 months ago and I haven’t looked back (well no pain, no gain they say).  The first block I was happy just to complete the personal challenges that Matt set in bootcamp and to work out a burpie from a bear crawl to a lunge, not to mention how my left hook from right.   Not to mention heartbreak hill at Lota!!

Thank you Matt – I have lost over 10 kgs, my waist measurement has gone from triple figures to the mid 80’s.  I never thought I would get into my eighties Jag Jeans but I have. I now have one chin and one waist!!

Thanks so much Matt, you have change my life and my habits…slowly over time.

Janelle Bostock, Independent Norwex Consultant, Wakerley

Mother of 1, Wakerley

I have been attending group fitness training with Matt at Personal Challenge Fitness for the past 6 months.  In that time I have experienced fantastic weight loss and have developed a higher level of fitness.

Prior to joining personal training I led a sedentary lifestyle with minimal fitness. To date I have lost 12 kilos, 3 belt sizes and I’m competing in the Gold Coast half marathon.

I have found Matt to be an incredible motivator and he has supported me to achieve my goals.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my training and look forward to continuing and seeing even more results.

Joining Matt has been a life changing experience and I would highly recommend Personal Challenge Fitness to anyone considering an active lifestyle.

Jason Alexander, Wakerley